Happy Christmas and new year 2009, a nice day to be a blessing for all of us and hopefully next year, better than the previous year. ammien

To register Blog RSS Feed

RSS (Really Simple Syndication "or" Rich Site Summary) is a new way to subscribe to websites or blogs, using RSS we can collect the various papers from various websites or blogs that become favorite, without having to visit the website or blog is a . With these facilities will save time for us to surf the Internet, without losing the opportunity to get the latest news from the website or blog that option.

RSS not only provides benefits for readers, but also for the owner of the website or blog. Register with the blog URL in the RSS feeds will open the opportunity for it to be more easily found by internet users. RSS feeds can also be used as a means to meningkakan traffic and page ranking. This is possible because of RSS feeds provide facilities ping very useful when we update the content of the blog.

Once we know the benefits of RSS feeds, the next step is to register on the blog website that provides facilities RSS feeds. FeedBurner is the only one. To register FeedBurner on this blog is easy, how to do the following: 1) typing the URL address at the box provided, click the Next button, which if blog registered to use the moment flatform FeedBurner will display the dialog that asks us choose between two addresses that will feed used. Select one and click the Next button,

2) The next screen will appear to create an account, please fill out the title of the feed in the Feed Title, we feed address later in the Feed Address, user name, password, and email address is active, click the button Activate Feed, 4) if the process is successful then the screen will appear that tahukan give that feeds us is activated, click on the link Skip directly to feed management, to manage some of the facilities that we will use.

FeedBurner display screen new account we created before, from this screen we can set and enable some of the facilities provided by FeedBurner, what are the facilities provided by FeedBurner this, following some of them:

On display this account we see there are 5 fruit tabs, namely:

* ANALYZE - to analyze and view the development of our feed.
* Optimize - facilities to optimize the feed.
* Publisize - facilities to publish the feed.
* Monetize - facilities to generate money from the feed.
* Troubleshootize - facilities to solve some problems that may occur.

As we see, so many facilities provided by FeedBurner this, it is one of the reasons why we choose and use FeedBurner. We can activate and use the facilities that have provided this, some facilities are essential to enable, among others:
Email Subscriptions

Namely the facilities to offer the Feed via email, by placing a widget provided by FeedBurner on the blog. Some service that we can choose are: FeedBurner, FeedBlitz, and Rmail. Choose one of the service, and then click Activate button to activate. After the screen will appear that asks us to place the code provided by FeedBurner on the blog.

We can memilh type or form of a way to offer email Subscriptions, namely in the form of Form and in the form of a link. Choose which according to our most accordance with the taste. We also beisa set some settings from email Subscriptions this, we can do this by clicking on the link to open email from the submenu subcriptions.

Some of these settings, among others: Subscription Management, Communication Preferences, Email Branding, and Delivery Options.Aturlah this setting, if necessary, and then click the Save button to save the settings.
Feed Count

Namely the facilities to promote and display the number of users who have become members or to subscribe to feeds from our blog. This facility can be an attraction to stimulate interest in fishing or other users to subscribe to feeds from our blog. With displays Feed Count this as we show statitstik from our blog, this can be withdrawn if the appeal of these statistics indicate the number is high enough. For people with very good statistics, the views are usually considered the first blog from stattistiknya, the next .. you.

2, we can select the style or style provided the static and Animated, which select the most suitable with the taste, and then click the Activate button to activate. Furthermore, the screen will appear that displays the code to place on our blog, copy and tempatkanlah code on the blog.

That ping facilities. This facility is very useful when we update content from blogs, with facilities ping this search engine will know if we create or update the article. So that new articles will be made more quickly in the index by search engines.

FeedBurner provide some service that we can use, including My Yahoo, Technorati, Blog Lines, Ping O Matic, News Gator. Sercice is some service that is used by many users RSS feeds. We can also add more (maximum 5) some additional service by selecting the combobox that has been provided.

Select a service to be added, and then click the Add button. Repeat again for some other service, and then click the Activate button to activate the service. Some of the additional service, popular enough that we can use are: Google Blog Search Pinging Service, FeedBlitz, IceRocket, Alexa, Weblogs.Com. We can also change this setting will be the day if needed.
Chicklet chooser

The facility is to promote our feed, by placing logos on blog feeds. We can select some of them, or can also use it. As well as in several other facilities to place a logo on this blog, we can choose 2 ways, namely manually by copying code from which we select the logo and mempastenya in the template or widget.

Second way is by automatically choose the logo and select a blog platform provided on the combobox at the bottom, and click the Go button. FeedBurner and will do everything. This way both can be used only by using the platform of Blogger and TypePad.

Here are some features that I consider important for activated, many of FeedBurner other facilities that have not yet discussed here. You can try-cobanya own later, or we can membahasnya later in other articles. Welcome to try!

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